horse t-shirts

This is the page where we put all the horse designs for those horse t-shirts with no clear category. Some of them may be horse cartoons, some may not. Occasionally we add more t-shirts to this page - horsey or not - so stay tuned . . .
We've all known horses like these; they have those personality quirks that either endear them to us or drive us nuts. Sometime both in the span of a few minutes.

These designs are available on a wide range of products - t-shirts of all kinds, including darks, long-sleeved, tank tops and maternity tops and sweatshirts, aprons, totes,bibs, boxers, thongs, mugs, caps and bear t-shirts.

horse t-shirts
horse t-shirts
horse t-shirts
horse t-shirts
horse t-shirts
horse t-shirts
horse t-shirts
horse t-shirts
horse t-shirts
horse t-shirts

Horses come in all sizes & builds, don't they? That's Dana on the left on her Haflinger, Sailor, our daughter Gillian in the middle on 18 hand Payton, who's a Hannovarian, and Katy on the right on her Arabian, Indy.

horse t-shirts
There are also things other than horses . . . this is Courtney on her Texas Longhorn, Tumbleweed, who appears on several of our products.
Although he's not a barn cat, Felix is a great hunter & more than tolerant of being herded (although they're not supposed to) by border collies. He's a rescue from The Sweetwater Animal Shelter in Bonita, CA.
horse t-shirts

Gillian on her infamous bloating Kona. (Cartoon soon)

horse t-shirts

Miscellaneous Horse T-Shirts